Leave a Legacy
One in four adults will experience a mental health problem in their lifetimes. Living with poor mental health can be extremely difficult and isolating, and it’s crucial to get the right support to become well again. More than 1,500 people benefit from a Trust Links service each year, with many more attending one of our community events.
Our projects offer therapeutic gardening, peer support and recovery courses which empower people to manage their own wellbeing long-term. For people in mental health crisis, the REACH Wellbeing Hub provides access to specialist advice and support, no matter the issue.
Without Trust Links something would be missing. They are my first port of call and an integral part of my recovery.Mike, Trust Links member since 2013
“We are growing all the time at Trust Links and increasing the range of support we offer people in the local community, ensuring we help more people. If you choose to leave a legacy to Trust Links in your will, you will help us be there for more people, no matter what they are going through.
Leaving a gift in your will supports the long-term future of Trust Links. It’s your generosity that enables us to change lives in the local community.
With your help, we can continue to grow our services and make sure that we’re there for the people that need us the most.
If you’d like to discuss leaving a legacy in person, please contact Matt King, our Chief Executive Officer, on 01702 213 314 or email chiefexec@trustlinks.org.
How to leave a gift in your will
When writing a will, family and friends come first. We understand your need for privacy and we fully respect your absolute right to withdraw your gift at a later date.
We guarantee that your gift will be handled responsibly and efficiently, to ensure that it can do the greatest good for our beneficaries.
We advise that when writing or amending your will you consult with a solicitor to ensure the will is valid, and your wishes can be carried out fully.
If you have already written your will but would like to add a gift to Trust Links you can do this by using a signed and witnessed codicil.
Trust Links is a registered charity (No. 1092324), so leaving a gift is tax free and will reduce Inheritance Tax (IHT) on your estate.
If you have already remembered Trust Links in your will, or intend to do so, we are sincerely grateful for your contribution. Thank you for choosing to be a part of our future.
Types of Legacy you can give
Residuary Legacy: a gift of the remainder of your estate or a percentage (%) of the remainder of your estate after all other gifts have been dispersed and all outgoings deducted.
Pecuniary Legacy: a fixed sum of money. Cash gifts can decrease in value over time, so you may wish to review this regularly.
Specific Legacy: specific items such as property, stocks and shares or an item of furniture of great value.
A suggested wording for your will:
Residuary Legacy: I give all (or …% Share) of the residue of my estate to TRUST LINKS (Registered Charity Number 1092324), 47 Fairfax Drive, Westcliff, Essex SS0 9AG