Environmental Activities Volunteering

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We provide Environmental Activities for individuals, community groups, schools and local companies in Basildon. Volunteering can include clearing up community spaces, learning about ways you can have a positive impact on the planet and planting trees in local neighbourhoods.

What does Environmental Activities Volunteering involve?

We welcome volunteers who can regularly support the environmental activities in Basildon. We’re also keen to link with existing groups and communities to run one-off workshops to have a positive impact on your local environment.

Look out for community workshops you can pop along to such as Make Do and Mend clothing repair, work parties to improve wildlife habitats and parks. We also welcome any ideas from people in Basildon on ways to have a positive impact on the environment.

Ready to get involved?

It’s easy to get involved with Environmental Activities Volunteering!

We’ll be letting you know all about how you can get involved on our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/EnvironmentalActivitiesVolunteering

By following us, you’ll find out where and when you can join us. If you’d like to come along on any one of the set days, simply arrive and get stuck in.

If you have any questions or want to have a chat about getting involved, you can call Sally on 07756188442, or email her at sallyj@trustlinks.org.

Support us by making a donation

Donate here
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