
Let’s Grow Together – Online Therapeutic Community Gardening Course

Let's Grow Together attendees

Applications for our 2025 Let’s Grow Together therapeutic gardening course are now open!

Are you considering starting your own therapeutic gardening project, but are not sure where to begin? Or have you already got a location or operating garden, but would like support in taking it to the next level?

With over two decades of experience in developing therapeutic gardening projects at our Growing Together gardens, Trust Links is offering a unique 6-month blended learning course, ‘Let’s Grow Together: Developing a Therapeutic Community Gardening Project’.

We’re looking for people who are passionate about making a difference to people’s lives and improving mental health services in their local area to join our next course, starting in March 2025.

I’ve learnt so much from the course, across all the topic areas we have covered. As well as growing in learning and confidence as a new project lead, I’ve really benefitted not just from the wisdom and experience of members of the Trust Links team and other members of the cohort – but also from their cheerleading and moral support.

Previous Attendee

The therapeutic gardening course at a glance

The core part of the course is in the form of online learning sessions. For full details on the below sessions, please see the 2025 Course Overview Document below.

Learning SessionDate and Time
Introduction to the courseTuesday 11th March 12:00-13:00  
Getting started: Project aims & garden designTuesday 18th March 12:00-14:30  
Sustainable fundingTuesday 22nd April 12:00-14:30  
Volunteers and staffTuesday 20st May 12:00-14:30  
Member experienceTuesday 17th June 12:00-14:30  
Behind the scenes of a therapeutic gardenTuesday 15th July 12:00-14:30  
In the garden: Therapeutic activities and sustainable practicesTuesday 16th September 12:00-14:30  
Evaluating impact and course summaryTuesday 21st October 12:00-14:30  

You will need to attend at least 5 out of 7 of these sessions (excluding the introduction) to qualify for a certificate of participation. We do understand that unexpected things may occur which prevent attendance; however, the value of these sessions is taking part in them live, so that you can participate in discussions and activities.

Optional parts of the course include one 60-minute 1:1 coaching and support session with an experienced member of the Trust Links team and two days of work experience at our Growing Together Gardens in Essex.

You will receive copies of all learning materials, access to a comprehensive manual on how to set-up a therapeutic garden, and an invitation to join our Let’s Grow Together network.

Course Pricing

This fantastic course can be accessed via a one-off fee of just £295.

We don’t want this fee to be a barrier to individuals or smaller organisations, or to anyone experiencing financial hardship. If you would like to discuss being considered for a reduced rate, please specify this on your application.

I feel I have gained a really great all-round knowledge from a much more experienced organisation on what it takes to successfully run a therapeutic horticulture service. Access to such a wealth of knowledge in the Trust Links team has been amazing, being able to ask questions specific to what was happening for us at that particular time was so valuable.

Previous Attendee

How to apply

Express an interest today by completing the short form below. A member of our team will then be in touch with further details.

Let’s Grow Together 2025: Expression of interest

To express an interest and find out more about LGT 2025

If you would like to be considered for the subsidised pricing, please tick below