
Trust Links started operating out of Rochford in 2017, utilising the green space around an environmentally-sustainable building.

The large eco building, which was built by Disability Essex in 2008, is the first commercial Passivhaus in the country and features a number of meeting rooms and offices. The garden includes a wildlife pond, fish pond, green roof gazebo, vegetable growing and wildlife habitats. We even won the Bees Needs Award in 2021.

The Growing Together project runs every Friday from 9:30am to 3:30pm and involves tending the gardens, clearing the weeds and maintaining the pathways, planting vegetables and designing new features like raised beds and orchard planters. An added bonus is that our REACH cookery course makes lunch every Friday for our Growing Together members.

Going to REACH gives me a reason to get out of the house and then I have more energy to deal with things at home when I get back.

Trust Links House
College Gardens
Rochford, SS4 1YL

How to find us

There are two access points. The pedestrian entrance is located at the end of the road that’s next 24 Rocheway. If coming by car, turn right on Rocheway onto College Gardens – the entrance will be on your right beyond the green gate.

Public transport

Buses 7, 8, 60, 63 and 815 stop at a nearby bus stop that is a 5 minute walk away.

Rochford station is an 11 minute walk away.


This site has a small car park at the front of our site.

Other sites



At Thundersley, we’ve developed a vibrant therapeutic garden that is home to a bee colony, wildlife ponds, raised vegetable beds and so much more. Trust Links Thundersley was developed in partnership with agencies from the South East Essex Sustainability Group and with funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

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Since opening in 2013, the Shoeburyness therapeutic gardens have been awarded several Green Flag Community Award for being a tranquil and mindful place for the community in Shoeburyness. Shoeburyness is the home of our Women’s Only Group and our award winning sensory labyrinth.

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Growing Together Basildon is our newest site which opened in 2023. This Beautiful site provides members with the chance to connect, benefit from horticultural activities, and access wellbeing support from the expert Trust Links team.

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Cressing Temple

The Trust Links Cressing Temple garden opened its doors to members in January 2022. Located in the beautiful Cressing Temple grounds, between Braintree and Witham, the large community garden space provides plenty of room for our members to enjoy the therapeutic benefits of gardening…

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Westcliff was our founding project site, and over the years we have transformed the one-acre former allotment from an overgrown dumping ground into a productive growing area for fruit and vegetables, Westcliff was our founding project site, and over the years we have transformed the one-acre former allotment from an overgrown dumping ground into a productive growing area for fruit and vegetables, a beautiful flower garden and more.

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